
Our Projects

Our Projects

Upcoming projects: Three new projects that would be initiated in 2019-2020 will be, DWAI, RAHAT and 6 day’s training  programme  for caregivers.


stands  for doorstep Oral  Screening and  Testing. The aim of this project is aimed at mass population screening for oral cancers in rehabilitation colonies of Chandigarh. Firstly, a house hold survey will be undertaken by NSS Volunteers. The primary purpose of this survey would be to get detailed socio-demographic profile of each household visited and to identify the individuals at risk for developing oral cancer using a structured interview schedule. After that, clinical examination will be offered by our team at a pre designated time and venue in the vicinity of  the subject’s residence as mentioned on the referral card. After that the test will be categorized as definitely negative, definitely positive, diffusely positive and ductal positive. The definitely negative subjects would be given health education on tobacco cessation. The diffusely positive and ductal positive will be followed after 3 months. The definitely positive cases will be given an appointment for biopsy, which will be undertaken in, nearby local designated area by the expert from the project team, free of cost. Further management would depend on the confirmatory histopathological reporting  of the cases. The project team will also organize a street play on hazards of using tobacco for all high risk individual and others who would be visiting on the day of assessment by experts.


stands for Drugs and Wellness for all in indigence where medication will be collected and distributed to the poor and needy people. The aim of this project is to arrange medicine for poor and marginalized population who are not able to purchase medicines. This is proposed to be implemented through collection of unused medications from the public before these get expired . This will bringing down the financial  burden of patients from lower socio-economic strata and will also help in reducing the generation of pharmaceutical waste.


stands for Rehabilitation At Home and Community Treatment. These services will be provided to persons will mental illness who have dropped out from hospital based services . Its approach to support people with mental illness or people with severe mental illness to live with dignity in their community. It aims to help  people with mental illness to reside in more independent living situations by the time of discharge. These models emphasize provision of permanent accommodation  and the mobilization of relevant support around a consumer’s own residence in the community. It also contributes to the prevention of mental health problems and promotes mental health for all community members.


A6 day’s training programme will be held where caregivers of PMI’s will be provided training in handling of difficult situations at home.

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